Sunday 11 February 2007

Same Shit - Different Day

I altered my desk calendar, the one I have at work. When I am in a bolshy mood I stick it defiantly on top of the CPU for all to see. It stays there for about 10 minutes and then I have a crisis of confidence and usually take it down. Am I singling myself out to senior management as a troublemaker? Is it offensive to my co-workers? Am I contravening the Dignity at Work Policy by openly displaying the word "shit"? Is it, above all else, a bit crap, really?

So I've brought it home. There's nowhere I can display it here either though. I can hardly lecture my 6 year old on the importance of not swearing and then stick it on top of the telly. Even just now, taking the photo of it, he was craning his neck round, desperate to see. "What's that,Mum? What's it say?" "Nothing! Nothing! Go in the other room!"