Flipping! Heck!
I have finally used my Bind it All and made a book. I knew it would happen one day, I just knew it.Yes, I know it's not bound yet, but that is because it is to be (draws self up to full height) a collaborative art journal. Yes, me and my bohemian friends are creating "art" (and not any of that poncey "life artist" nonsense neither, this is proper bona fide art, with paint and mixed media and everything). We have each made a book and will be swapping them around to produce creative renderings on each others pages and it will be dead, dead artistic and good.
(When I get mine back I'll just whip it through my BIA and tie a few ribbons up the spine. Well, everyone likes a nice bit of ribbon after all!)
I shall not be able to talk to the likes of you soon. It's nothing personal you understand, I'm just mixing in higher circles nowadays.
Oooh! posh! you're too good for the likes of us you know.
I'm hugely looking forward to seeing your "creations", what with the paint and the mixed media ad stuff :-)
rather splendid BIA-ing too, I arsed up the lining up of the holes on my first attempt.
But then, I'm not an 'Artist'
Good on ya mate, I love your 'arty' stuff, you have a great talent and those other Bohemian ladies are in for a treat.
Lol, you do make me laugh. Having a bad day but you cheered me up. Keep up the arty farty stuff, we'll have yuo over to the dark side in no time :)
oooh that's gonna be real fancy.....
Hey Sam - you always crack me up! It has been a life's dream to be Bohemian! xx (By the way, it's just perfect!)
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