Friday, 7 December 2007

I made this card using the Christmas Cheer cartridge on my cricut. I hadn't realised there was a card and envelope option on there. It cuts a fab scalloped edge to the card, however due to my superior photographic skills you can't see it.

I do like my Cricut but it takes me ages to make anything. I made two of these and it took one and a half hours. I mean, look at it, it's not exactly rocket science is it?

I have one of those DIY calendars, so I made this to go on it for December. I was hugely excited by it at the start of the year, and my excitement last well into February. But it has hung there, blankly staring back at me for most of the following months. I thought I should make a bit of an effort for the last month. Again, it was cut using Christmas cheer. Again, it took me flippin ages.


Kate said...

I am SO buying that cartridge!! It's fab! Sam, do you buy a new mat every 25 cuts? I am convinced if the card was thick enough you could shove it through on its own. Share more Cricut joy!! xx

germgirl said...

Beautiful! I love the calendar thingy - I am def. getting that cart for next year!

Dawn Wheeler said...

Gorgeous cards ,love the colours of papers you have used ,it takes me ages to use me circut to ,Dawnxx
hope you have a lovely christmas Dawnx

LISA said...

wow it's lovely hun xxx

mum-on-the-run said...

Love the card Sam, glad to hear you're using your Cricut ;)

Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year xx