Do not go on the internet when drunk and if you do, do not buy stuff.
In short, I did go on the internet when drunk, and I did buy stuff. Nearly a whole lot of stuff (but luckily in my tired and emotional state I couldn't remember my QVC account number so that little spree there was brought to an abrupt halt) but in the end just a little stuff.
Despite my post-Ally Pally vow not to buy anything else until September* I went to Sir Stampalot and I bought this guy.

Oh now, just look at him! How could I walk away and leave him? He's called Funny Bunny for goodness sake!
At one stage most of his little friends were in my basket too, but there were a very lot of them and although I was drunk, I was not that drunk. So I will leave them for the next time. I really like this reindeer one though, so maybe I'll go back and get that this week, just to steal a march on that sneaky bastard, Christmas.
*excluding glue and card and essentials. And anything I really like, obviously.
ooo me likey that stamp,,cant wait to see what youll create using your newly drunk purchase!
There is only one thing to do when you're drunk, and it doesn't involve the internet, or a credit card! Lol. Pop by my blog and pick up your pressie. xx
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