Sunday 21 December 2008

Journal Your Christmas

Right, I am bang up to date again, 6 pages in one day, magnificent progress!! Inspiration was running thin by the end (well, more by the middle really) and it necessitated the neglect of my family for most of the day, but damnit you can't let little things like spending time with your family interfere with the process of preserving family history I say, and I simply was not prepared to stand by and see precious memories such as the front cover of the Christmas Radio Times consigned to the scrapheap of oblivion. Trust me, my children will thank me one day (it's a clause in my will).

Day 16 - visitors. We're not having any on Christmas day, or so I believed until about half an hour ago, when DH saw this and piped up that actually he'd invited the in-laws for tea. Reader, I'll let you imagine how that little conversation played out.

Day 17 - the perfect gift. DS last year, with his ds.

Day 18: FOOD! I flicked through Nigella today and then went and bought all the equivalents of the receipes I was thinking of doing from M&S. Oh well.

Day 19 - tales of the unexpected. I'm suddenly in touch with people from the past.

Day 20: I went off prompt here because I lubs the Christmas Radio Times and it starts today. It's the only one of the year I buy, and I like to go through it with a highlighter pen so that I don't miss any of the gems of quality programming they serve up to us over the festive season.
(I was being ironic there, just so we're clear. Although not about the highlighter pen bit, I really do do that.)

Day 21: Pictures of my house today. I used the Picasa collage function.


Sandy said...

holy cow! you're on a roll - i'm getting so behind...eeek! i love your journal too - it's beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Well done for being totally up-to-date! Amazing entries!!!

Unknown said...

I'm impressed! How the heck did you manage to do SIX pages in a day? Did you even visit the "ladies' room"?
Oh, and my highlighter is pink... ;)